Wo soll ich fliehen hin BWV 646 Uploaded by: Grandjeux Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: Schyven / van Bever Small Edition N.D. Laeken Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 734
Wo soll ich fliehen hin BWV 646 Uploaded by: Tuba_Mirum Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: 1761/2005 J. A. Silbermann-Metzler, Arlesheim, Switzerland Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 674
Lacrimosa dal Requiem Uploaded by: alberto63 Composer: W.A.Mozart Organ: Alessandria, Mascioni (2010) Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 67
Disen (Mist) (2021) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Lennert, Thomas Organ: Alessandria, Mascioni (2010) Software: Hauptwerk VI Views: 48
While I am completing the 48 Chorales by Telemann and the Quaderno Barnabeo di Capodaglio, another small project is the 6 Schübler Chorals by J.S. Bach. The first one I recorded some time ago, and this is the second.