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Ciaccona in B-Dur

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Uploaded by: ReinerS (04/30/22)
Composer: Bach, Johann Bernhard
Sample Producer: Pipeloops
Sample Set: Baumeister organ Maihingen
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Baroque
This organ is perhaps the least modified sizeable organ of the baroque era. It survived all periods of organ modification trends as it had been sealed off for more than 150 years. It has been restored strictly to its original condition in 1991, the only modernisation being the addition of an electric blower. Hence this organ like no other tells us how organs really sounded in the baroque area.

The organ is tuned in a meantone temperament, and so some harmonics are extremely pure, while others sound very dissonant indeed. Hence not every key sounds well on it.

This first demo of the set is played live by concert organist Christian Brembeck, and it shows quite a number of the beautiful tone colors of the instrument. Thank you Christian both for pointing out this instrument to me and for the demo!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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