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Fuga sur Little Chaconne

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Uploaded by: NeoBarock (04/27/22)
Composer: * My Own Composition
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Mascioni, Giubiasco (2008)
Software: GrandOrgue
Genre: Baroque
When I heard Jean-Paul's little Chaconne played by Alberto a few days ago, it was already clear that I would like to build a fugue over it.

No sooner said than done.

It wasn't that easy.
In one way, Jean-Paul's beautiful motif is different from the others I know by him. There is more of a flow in it, a continuous movement that should determine the basic noise of the piece. And so something has emerged that reminds me a little of the Fugue in B flat minor BWV891 from the Well-Tempered Clavier Part 2. A continuous movement, sequences, inversion, etc. The piece is in several parts and with different, mostly very thin registration. In one of the two middle sections (bars 48-61), I perform an interlude in which I take a complete melodic passage from the "Little Prelude" and set it - as in a classical song movement - to 3 voices. From bar 80, the coda begins with full organ, perhaps a little surprising and not entirely plausible with the basic character of the piece, but I could not resist ......
In the last bars, a 5th voice is added above the organ point (dominant) to reinforce it and the work ends with a great G major triad that sounds just great on the Mascioni organ.

Again, I must thank you, Jean-Paul, for his wealth of ideas and hope that you will also like this work!
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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