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Six Preludes Op 13 No. 3

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Uploaded by: Erzahler (02/21/22)
Composer: Scriabin, Alexander Nikolayevich
Sample Set: Skinner497,Demo
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Late Romantic - Modern
Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin.
Born Moscow 06 January 1872.
Died Moscow 27 April 1915.
He was a Russian composer and pianist. In his early years he was greatly influenced by the music of Frédéric Chopin, and wrote works in a relatively tonal, late Romantic idiom.
He later developed a substantially atonal and much more dissonant musical language, which accorded with his personal brand of metaphysics.
Scriabin was influenced by synesthesia, and associated colours with the various harmonic tones of his atonal scale.
Scriabin was one of the most innovative and controversial of early modern composers. He exerted influence on such composers as Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, and Karol Szymanowski. According to his biographer Bowers, "No one was more famous during their lifetime, and few were more quickly ignored after death."
Scriabin's first period is usually described as going from his earliest pieces up to his Second Symphony Op. 29. The works from the first period adhere to the romantic tradition.
Scriabin’s 6 Preludes were written during his early period while under the patronage of Mitrofan Belyayev. Despite the piece still retaining clear associations with Chopin, Scriabin’s ever-present unique style grows stronger by the opus. This one is plain and simple and has none of the bavura of some of his other Preludes and Etudes which out do the fireworks of Chopin.
From 1903 with the financial assistance of a wealthy sponsor, he spent several years travelling in Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium and the United States returning to settle for awhile in Paris before returning to russia in 1907.
Scriabin gave his last concert on 2 April 1915 in St. Petersburg and on return to his appartment noticed a small pimple on his lip. It became infected and about 2 weeks later he died at the age of 43.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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