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Fantasie over Dank, dankt nu allen God

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Uploaded by: Cribo (02/15/22)
Composer: Feike Asma
Sample Set: SLQ - Flaes & Brünjes Westzaan
Software: Sweelinq
Genre: Hymn
The piece I always use to test the windmodel.
To be honest; the windmodel of Sweelinq is awesome! It outperforms Hauptwerk by a 'buslength'.
I really love this little instrument, the tutti makes me think of the famous organ of Hasselt.
Sweelinq is just a 'new kid on the block' but man... what a potentional!
For lovers of the Dutch school this platform will become very succeful I am sure!

(sorry for the clipping in the end and 'hickup' halfway, it has nothing to do with the set)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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