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Premier livre d'orgue 6 Récit

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Uploaded by: WAF80 (01/24/22)
Composer: Pierre Du Mage
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Rozay en Brie, Notre Dame de la Nativité
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Baroque
Pierre du Mage was born in 1674 in Beauvais, a town in northern France. He got his first organ lessons very probably from his father, who was the organist of Beauvais cathedral, which is a remarkable building. With a vault hight of 48.5 meters the choir is the highest one existing in France. Nevertheless, the construction turned out to be beyond architectural means of the time and the cathedral suffered several devastating collapses.

In 1694 Du Mage went to Paris to study with Marchand and Lebegue. In 1710 he was appointed organist of Laon cathedral
Some years later, in 1719 he left music altogether to become a civil servant.

His only surviving work is his first livre d'orgue containing a suite dating form 1708. He is supposed to have composed a second livre d'orgue, but this seems to be lost.

This is the sixth movement, a calm Récit, played with the Voix humaine and the trembland doux.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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