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Postludium a-Moll (from Opus 11, No 2)

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Uploaded by: Marek M (11/04/21)
Composer: Škop, Václav Felix
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Święta Lipka
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Romantic
Václav Felix Škop (1848 - 1932), sometimes also spelled as Wenzel Felix Skop, was a Czech composer, organist and teacher. After studying organ at the Conservatoire in Prague with Bedřich Smetana and Antonín Dvořák, he first worked as a music teacher in Petrinja, Croatia, and then from 1878 he was professor for organ at the Teacher Training Institute in Innsbruck, a post he held until his death.

I found this piece by coincidence and used it for a bit of pedal practice.

Music score:
A number of Skop's shorter organ works survive in Johann Diebold's "Orgelstücke moderner Meister" published in 1906.ücke_moderner_Meister_(Diebold,_Johann)

Sample set:
This performance has been recorded using Hauptwerk v6 and Piotr Grabowski's sample set of the organ at the Basilica in Święta Lipka, Poland. This organ was built in 1905 by Bruno Goebel from his workshops in Königsberg and Danzig and is house in the iconic organ case by Johann Josua Mosengel built between 1719 and 1721.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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