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The Viola di Gamba of Święta Lipka

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Uploaded by: yolar (09/03/21)
Composer: Herzog, Johann Georg
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Święta Lipka
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Romantic
Piotr Grabowski will release his latest sample set of the Goebel organ (1905) of Święta Lipka very soon. Hereby a small presentation of the beautiful Viola di Gamba 8' on this organ, with some added flutes. Although the organ case is typical baroque, the disposition of this organ is German romantic.

Tonstücke were typical for the German romantic organ style. Often they aren't the most complicated pieces, but they mainly are atmospheric character pieces. In my experience they are excellent to present some softer sounds from a romantic organ.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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