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In a quiet moment (2019)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (07/20/21)
Composer: Bachlund, Gary
Sample Producer: Pipeloops
Sample Set: Collon organ Erloeserkirche Muenster
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Contemporary
Gary Bachlund (b. 1947) — In a quiet moment (2019) for organ

American composer and opera singer Gary Bachlund (b. 1947) is a native of Los Angeles and has been a resident of Southern California, New York, Berlin, and South Carolina. His significant career as a tenor brought him to the major opera houses and concert halls across the world, appearing in most of the core tenor roles of the repertoire. Bachlund studied voice at Immaculate Heart College (BA, 1968) and later earned a Masters (1991) and PhD (1993) in music composition from the University of California, Los Angeles. Upon his retirement from the performing stage, Bachlund focused exclusively on composition and has written more than 1,500 works in numerous genres, including many works for keyboard (organ and piano), art songs, and chamber forces. Before his work as an opera and concert singer, Bachlund served congregations throughout southern California in several capacities, was in sales and marketing for Hewlett-Packard for almost ten years, was a member of Screen Actors Guild and did recordings for television, was a retail buyer and soldier in the United States Army and California National Guard.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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