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Krebs: Toccata and Fugue in E major

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Uploaded by: swiberg (06/19/21)
Composer: Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Baroque
Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780) studied organ with Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach (who had also instructed Krebs's father) held Krebs in high standing. From a technical standpoint, Krebs was unrivaled next to Bach in his organ proficiency.

As a composer, Krebs wrote numerous works in the High Baroque style, which by this time was unfortunately on its way out of fashion, being replaced by the newer "galant" style of the early Classical era.

This Toccata and Fugue in E major is an excellent representative of his organ works, and opens with an extended pedal solo prior to the entry of the keyboards. The spirited and energetic prelude is contrasted with a more stately fugue in 4 voices. The exposition is noteworthy in that the first two voices enter in stretto, followed by the 3rd and 4th voices in the same manner.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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