Three Chorale Preludes. Uploaded by: Erzahler Composer: Reinhard, August Organ: 1904 Wilhelm Sauer, Dortmund, Germany Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 141
Chorale Uploaded by: Gympie Composer: Eric Thiman Organ: Friesach-Cracow Composite Software: Hauptwerk VI Views: 75
Bach J.S. - Fantaisie G (BWV 571) Uploaded by: jepisi Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: Walcker Organ from Miskolc Catholic Church Software: Hauptwerk VI Views: 48
Toccata in F major BWV 540/1 Uploaded by: takatsa Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: Walcker Organ from Miskolc Catholic Church Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 354
Here is the Chorale 07 - Herr Jesu Christ du höchstes (HoWV-VIII-8)
Extract from 32 Præludia zu geistlichen Liedern vor zwey Claviere u. Pedal
von Homilius Cantor an der Creuz Kirche zu Dreßden. (Ca 1761)
The above piece was recorded with the surround version of the splendid
Walcker Organ from Miskolc Catholic Church
This is version 2 (March 2021).
Thank you Augustine for this high quality work.
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