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Partita 'Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen' P.7a

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Uploaded by: yolar (11/20/20)
Composer: Pachelbel, Johann
Sample Producer: Pipeloops
Sample Set: Collon organ Erloeserkirche Muenster
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Baroque
After a variation set on a secular tune, time for a partita on a church hymn. In this partita it is clear that Pachelbel was influenced by composers as Kerll and Froberger, but also Italian composers like Frescobaldi. A true example of Southern-German baroque, which fits the character of this Collon organ very well.

00:00 Chorale
HW: Principal 16', Principal 8'
00:55 Variation 1
HW: Copel 8' EW: Fugara 4' HW-EW
01:51 Variation 2
HW (lh): Copel 8'
NW+EW (rh): Offenflöte 8', Quintade 8' + Tremulant
02:51 Variation 3
HW: Flöte 4'
03:51 Variation 4
HW: Principal 16' (oct. higher)
EW: Fugara 4', Vox humaine 8'
04:45 Variation 5
NW: Traversflöte 8'
05:49 Variation 6
HW (rh): Principal 8', Copel 8', Oktave 4', Oktave 2', Quint 1 1/3'
NW (lh): Offenflöte 8', Traversflöte 8', Principal 4', Nasat 2 2/3', Flageolet 2'
Ped (cf): Trompetenbass 8', Flötenbass 8'
06:44 Chorale (plenum)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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