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Sweeter as the Years Go By

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Uploaded by: Keys61 (09/18/20)
Composer: Morris, Lelia N.
Sample Set: Custom, American Classic
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Hymn
Sweeter as the Years Go By (1912)
By: Lelia N. Morris (1862 - 1929) She was an American Methodist hymn writer.
Based on an arrangement (with alterations by artist) by: Paul Mickelson (1927 - 2001)

He was an American organist, arranger, and record label executive who specialized in Christian music. First performing for mass media at the age of 16, he gained national recognition as organist for the Billy Graham crusade from 1950 to 1958. (from Wikipedia)

The American Classic organ gets to shine in this "Theatre Organ" type arrangement of this gospel hymn classic.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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