Karg-Elert's 66 Chorale improvisations, Op. 65, were composed between 1906 and 1908. Dedicated to Alexandre Guilmant, they include his beloved Marche Triomphale on "Nun danket alle Gott"
Here I play three of my favorites on the stunning Sonnenorgel sampleset by Sonus Paradisi.
00:00 | "Lobe den Herren, o meine Seele" Nr. 28
03:20 | "Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele" Nr. 51
06:28 | "Nun danket alle Gott" Nr. 59
System Details:
MIDI Console by Content
Hauptwerk V
Mac Mini 64GB Ram
Motu Ultraline-mk3 Audio Interface
Sampleset: Sonnenorgel Goerlitz, Sonus Paradisi