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Zarabanda y Danza Rústica (1991)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (08/13/20)
Composer: Torre, Germán
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Contemporary
Germán Torre (b. 1957) — Zarabanda y Danza Rústica (1991) for organ

Germán Torre (b. 1957) is an Argentinian composer, keyboardist, and conductor. Educated in Buenos Aires and La Plata, Torre studied organ with Héctor Zeoli (who encouraged his first compositions) and composition with Juan Francisco Giacobbe (a student of Ravel and significant figure in the development of an Argentinian national style). Torre was organist of the cathedral in La Plata from 1976–86. He has appeared as organist, harpsichordist, pianist in concerts throughout the world and has composed works in many genres including several acclaimed ballet scores. Torre was a founder of the Ensemble da Camera Arcangelo Corelli, a group specializing in baroque music. He also directed the Schola Cantorum of La Plata Catholic University Law School. While maintaining many musical activities in Argentina, he has resided for years in Gera Lario on Lake Como, Italy.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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