Johann Baptist Peyer [Bayer, Beyer]
(b c1680; d Vienna, 10 April 1733). Austrian organist and composer.
Received his education at the Heiligenkreuz monastery, where another Johann Baptist Peyer (1651–1726) worked as camerarius major from 1693 to 1698; the younger (and possibly related). Johann Baptist was active as organist and musical instructor there from 1698. He worked for the Empress Eleonora, widow of Leopold I, along with Johann Kaspar Ferdinand Fischer and Gottfried Muffat from about 1712 until her death.
Working through my samples we come to the surprisingly flexible 25 stop organ built in 1898 probably by Adolf Volkmann in St. Augustine’s church in Lipiny.
The registation is Portunal Flaut 8' and Portunal Flaut 4'.
Here is info on the Heiligenkreuz Monastery and it mentions an organ built in 1804 by Ignaz Kober with two manuals, 55 stops. So this would not be the instrument Peyer was familiar with. It was completely restored in 1997.
Schubert and Bruckner played this organ and there is a recording of the music of Schubert played on this organ. Details here;
This organ is in the case of an earlier instrument built by the brothers Ferdinand Joseph Römer (1657 -1723 Vienna) and Joseph Ulrich Römer (b Vienna after 1650). It is assumed this instrument was at least 2 manual and pedal due to the size of the case.
There is also a choir organ not now in use. Vymola 1746, I-P/11
Jan Výmola (1722 Ptení – 1805 Brno). The Brno master was one of the best-known organists in Moravia.
See attched photos below.
Many performances by Thorsten Pirkl of Peyer and other little known composers on various historic instruments here on YouTube. A MUST WATCH.;
Please feel free to play any piece(s) from the list of 53 compositions attached.