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Pastorale (Six Pieces in Diverse Styles, Book 1, No. 2)

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (07/13/20)
Composer: Meale, Arthur
Sample Producer: Lavender Audio
Sample Set: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Early 20th century
John Arthur Meale (1880-1932) was born in Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield, England, Dec. 18th, 1880, and died in Hendon, Dec. 9th, 1932. The name was spelt Meal in the register of births.

He was a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists, and served as organist of Marsden Congregational Church, 1896-99, of Selby Wesleyan Church, 1899-1905, of The Queens Hall, Hull, 1905-12, and of Westminster Central Hall, London, beginning in 1912.

"Six Pieces in Diverse Styles" were published by A Hammond & Co. in 1922. These three uploads complete the first book. On the title page it says that "Each book is planned to contain complete voluntaries for one service - Introductory Voluntary, Offertory Voluntary, and Postlude." The style is simpler, and the pieces are more "churchy" than the previous Meale uploads.

"Pastorale" is the "Offertory Voluntary" in the first book. It is dedicated: "To Jos. A. Webster, Esq."

In the bright key of A major, this pastorale is restrained throughout, and there is no sense of thunderstorms, waves on the lake, or animals running wildly to be heard anywhere!

There are a number of mistakes in all of these scores, particularly in terms of "tied notes" and inconsistency in the phrasing.

While not a difficult piece, there are quite a few details "to get right." :-)

The score is attached below, as well as a photo of Arthur Meale, and one of the Westminster Central Hall in London.

I have no information or photo of the dedicatee, A. Kemp.

More Meale coming soon.

If I get my hands on the second book, I will do those as well. :-)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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