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Finale Psalm 22 - B. Renooij

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Uploaded by: Waleboer (06/23/20)
Composer: Renooij, Bernard
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Utrecht - Dom, Bätz Organ
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Early Modern
Early-modern Dutch piece, composed by Bernard Renooij (1915 - 2007). The third movement (Finale) from Psalm 22, as arranged in the sheet music Muziek voor de Eredienst from publisher Ars Nova in Goes, Netherlands.

The finale opens with a strong Maestoso. Then, a fluent meno forte covers the whole psalm. This style of playing is meant to be 'swinging' and legato, characteristic for early-modern Dutch music.

The last part, again Maestoso but with extra power, contains the 16" stops on the HW and the HW-BW couple.

If you like the early-modern Dutch genre, make sure to listen to another upload: Preludium 'Komt zielen, deze dag'.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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