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Festal Prelude

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Uploaded by: ESchoen (06/16/20)
Composer: Gaston Marie Dethier (1875 - 1958)
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Domorgel Billerbeck - Orgelbau Fleiter
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
First time I listened to this piece, when my teacher Christoph Grohmann played it 1984 for the inauguration of the mighty Fischer&Kr;ämer-Organ in Rheda. It was the first french-style organ in our region and it was a perfect piece to present much of the possibilities of this instrument.
Unfortunately a compass from C to c4 is required, so that this piece is not playable at many organs, but in the Sampling-Sets we have the required compass. Wonderful!
The Billerbeck-Organ has the right sound for this music.

Dethier was born in Lüttich (Belgien), he was a scholar of A. Guilmant in Paris and from 1984 he lived in New York as a concert-organist and teacher at the Institute of Musical Art.

The score is available at IMSLP. I attach it for all who are interested.

Please enjoy!
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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