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Were You There? (with vocal soloist)

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Uploaded by: Keys61 (04/09/20)
Composer: arranged by artists
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Reuter, Op. 227, Portland
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Spiritual
Were You There?
African American Spiritual
Maggie Rees-Baker, vocalist
Steve Schlesing, organist
arranged by artists

During this time of social distancing, I recorded the organ part, sent it to Maggie, she recorded her part (using an earpiece to hear the organ) then sent me the recording which I edited together with my part to create this video-audio recording.

Some may find this of interest; Due to working on recordings of my Hauptwerk performances on video and audio I'm able to help out my church and be the "producer" for our online services during this strange time, which do use my playing several Hauptwerk sample sets.

Good Friday (the Reuter opus 227 Portland organ is featured for the opening and hymn and at the end with Maggie)

Palm Sunday (Salisbury Willis for opening and first hymn, Reuter Opus 227 for an interlude and backing a prayer starting at 10:38

For the Easter Service I've used the Salisbury Willis, the Schantz Opus 918 and Paramount 332 for the postlude...
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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