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Grand Chorus on Credo III

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (02/23/20)
Composer: Biggs, Richard Keys
Sample Producer: Audio Angelorum
Sample Set: Peterborough Cathedral Hill
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Mid-20th Century
The American organist and composer, Richard Keys Biggs (16 September 1886 — 17 December 1962) received an Hon.Mus.D from Loyola University in Chicago. He studied in London with Sir Richard Runciman Terry, the founder of the Choir and Choir School at Westminster Cathedral (Roman Catholic) in London.

He worked in Southern California, and was organist of the San Diego Exposition, as well as of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach, as well as several other churches in Canada and in Brooklyn, New York. In all these churches, he either founded or directed choirs of men and boys, so, that "elevates" him, at least in my eyes... ;-). In the 1940’s he was director of the men's and boy's choirs of the new church and parochial school at Blessed Sacrament in Hollywood. California.

For years I've seen his name, but never bothered to look at his music. He is NOT related to the famous concert organist, E. Power Biggs, but his son, John Biggs is also a composer.

I wanted to upload something for the Last Sunday before Lent, so, this is my almost late offering.

"Grand Chorus on Credo III" was published by J. Fischer & Bro. in 1941, and is dedicated: "In Memory of George Fischer," who I presume was one of the publishing brothers.

The work is based upon the intonation for the 3rd "Credo", as found in the Mass melodies section of the Liber Usualis.

It's a colorful and splashy work, with a lot of modulations, and in a manner that is reminiscent of a carillon. The end is grandiose, and the effect is big, despite the brevity of the work.

The score is attached below, as well as a photo Biggs, and several period photos of the Brooklyn church at which he served.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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