Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt Uploaded by: wimbomhof Composer: Pachelbel, Johann Organ: Kiedrich, St. Valentinus and Dionysius Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 56
Psalm 7 Uploaded by: wimbomhof Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: Kiedrich, St. Valentinus and Dionysius Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 100
Triosonate ex B dur Uploaded by: wimbomhof Composer: Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel (1690-1749) Organ: Kiedrich, St. Valentinus and Dionysius Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 126
Ricercare 3' del decimo Tono Uploaded by: wimbomhof Composer: Costanzo Antegnati (1549-1624) Organ: Kiedrich, St. Valentinus and Dionysius Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 101
Media vita in morte Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk Composer: Lohet, Simon Organ: Kiedrich, St. Valentinus and Dionysius Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 127