Il Grande Crescendo Uploaded by: adri Composer: My improvisation Organ: 1884/1995 Walcker-Eule, Annaberg, Germany Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 41
Preludium und Fuge in D (Halleluja) Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Schmidt, Franz Organ: 1884/1995 Walcker-Eule, Annaberg, Germany Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 357
Nun sich der Tag geendet hat Uploaded by: marcothart Composer: Brosig, Moritz Organ: 1884/1995 Walcker-Eule, Annaberg, Germany Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 54
Nun danket alle Gott Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Piutti, Karl Organ: 1884/1995 Walcker-Eule, Annaberg, Germany Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 175
Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961) — Norman’s Dance, op. 119 (2016) for organ
German composer and organist Hartwig Barte-Hanssen (b. 1961) studied at the University of Hamburg where his teachers in music included Rose Kim, Eberhard Müller, and György Ligeti. He has appeared as a concert organist throughout Europe and serves as organist and choirmaster at St. Bartholomew in Wilster. Barte-Hanssen has composed works in varied genres including solo and chamber works and a number of cantatas and oratorios.