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Meyo Registo 2o Tom Accidental

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Uploaded by: EdoL (02/09/19)
Composer: Conceicao, Diogo da
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1684 García-Martínez, Frechilla, Spain
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Medieval and Renaissance
Diogo da Conceição de Araújo was a portuguese catholic priest. Born 1549 in Vila Viçosa, Portugal; died 1597 in Goa, India (at this time a portuguese colony). In 1595, He was appointed titular bishop of Calama, Algeria (A titular see is an episcopal see of a former diocese that no longer functions, sometimes called a "dead diocese". Wikipedia) and auxiliary bishop of Goa, India. He was a member of the Order of Saint Augustine, a mendicant religious order of the Catholic Church.

About his activities as a musician: 'During the 17th century a notable school of organists developed in Braga. The main figures in this connection were Gaspar dos Reis, employed at Braga Cathedral; Pedro de Araújo; and a priest-composer, Diogo da Conceição. '
(Info by our member Hyero: many thanks!

The composition technique and the imitative polyphony are typical for composers of the seventeenth century, exploring the feature of the divided keyboard.

The peninsular organs of the 17th century were mostly divided on the central C;
soft and loud stops divided between the two halves of the keyboard. That way a variety of combinations was possible, imitating a two manual instrument.

In this piece for devided keyboard the left hand plays the accompaniment on the left side of the keyboard, while there is a strong voice “improvising” in the right hand.

The piece starts in 4/4 counting; halfway through changing to ¾.

The first half is played with the solo Cornet in the right hand; the second part with the Clarin 8’.

This redo of an earlier upload is for our member adri, who was interested in how it would sound on Frechilla.

Good to see, that Spanish organ music is alive and kicking on the concert hall, though it is obviously a niche market....
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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