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Sinfonia dalla Cantata BWV 156

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Uploaded by: takatsa (01/22/19)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Set: AVO - Stahlhuth positive
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
4-channels version
Playing Julia Krespay

It recently made the three-manual-Stahluth Aachen sample set.
To encourage my friend Dominique Dantand, I made a little positive of this.
I made this positive in several versions: 4 and 5 stops formats, stereo-dry, stereo-wet, and 4-channels formats. In each version, the base pitch can be adjusted (a = 440 Hz, a = 415 Hz and a = 392 Hz) and the dry/wet ratio can also be set in the 4-channel version.
The positive will be public this weekend.
And everyone will be free to download and use.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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