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Präludium und Fuge, f moll, KrebsWV 407 (prelude only)

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (12/27/18)
Composer: Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Sample Producer: Prospectum
Sample Set: G. Silbermann Stadtkirche Zöblitz, 1742
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
Again a work in progress. Luckily this work is not as long as KrebsWV 405. Not so luckily: the fugue seems terribly difficult.

Krebs modelled his preludia often after one of Bach's preludes. The model for KrebsWV 407 is not difficult to guess: BWV 544 immidiately springs to mind. Though the harmonic progression of the first bars (or: lack thereof) is reminiscent of BWV 534 as well.

Though it's (probably) not on the same level as Bach's original, it is nevertheless a fine work. And, no less important, it's a great piece to play. The structure of the piece is simple:
A - B - A (dominant) - B (dominant) -(second half of) A
The way Krebs works towards the second A section in c minor is great. And the way you get to use the lowest C of the pedal is of course an added bonus. Let them reeds roar!!

It is a piece of grand gestures, that fit's well on a large organ, in grand acoustics. The drawback of that, is that lots of the fast notes are difficult to discern. I recorded it therefore twice: one time for the grand effect, and one time for the transparancy.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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