Voix Séraphique, for the Mustel Organ with celesta (1896)
We all have our milestones and for me here in Concert Hall it is this - upload number 200. This is dedicated to Agnus_Dei who shows us all how to play this style of music and indeed any music.
This piece has been incubating for some time since I bought in a charity shop a CD of Maunder’s number one hit Olivet to Calvary with Barry Rose conducting the choir of Guildford Cathedral with John Mitchinson, Frederick Harvey and Peter Moorse at the organ. (1964). It is an excellent performance and it is quality music of the time. With 28 Hymns, 20 Anthems and 6 Cantatas to his name I wondered what he wrote for the organ. Well, just about nothing it seems. See his Wiki entry.
This could be his only composition and it is for the Mustel Organ with celesta (1896)
Agnus_Dei uploaded an arrangement;
The Caravan of the Magi. March for Organ, arr. by E. C. Nunn, from the Cantata Bethlehem (1913)
John Henry Maunder (February 21, 1858 – January 21, 1920) was an English composer and organist best known for his cantata "Olivet to Calvary". He was born in Chelsea and studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He was organist at St Matthew’s, Sydenham 1876-7, and St Paul’s, Forest Hill 1878-9.
Maunder's music goes unmentioned in Baker's and Grove's dictionaries, as well as in the Oxford Companion to Music, probably because he did not emerge from the cathedral tradition. His works are characteristic expressions of the Victorian era – a style replaced by the music of Stanford, Parry, Wood and Noble, among others.
Notes from Agnus_Dei)
Music here;