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Sortie (harmonium-like (?) )

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (04/14/18)
Composer: Grosjean, Ernest
Sample Producer: Voxus Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Stahlhuth/Jann - Dudelange
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
Ernest Grosjean (1844 - 1936) published "Pièces pour orgue ou harmonium", a set of 56 pieces in two volumes, in 1902. The first volume contains 33 easy pieces, that can be played without the use of pedals. The fifth piece is a sortie. Not a fastpaced boisterous one, it feels somewhat more solemn. Perhaps like a reminder to carry home the message heard during service. Or it's just the style of Grosjean.

In the comments under this ( upload Adri and Fazioli had some suggestions for how one could play pieces originally written for harmonium more harmonium-like on the Stahlhuth/Jahn organ in Dudelange. To experiment with the different sound idioms I tried this piece in a more harmonium-like approach and a more organ -like approach.

This is the more harmonium-like approach. Registration intended to sound more like a harmonium and based on the suggestions by Fazioli. I like the play woth sub- and supercouplers, that's new to me. As I have no real live experience with an harmonium, it's difiicult to judge whether it really sounds like a harmonium.

The other upload is the more organ-like approach. I like that one best, so that'll be the guideline for the rest of the Grosjean pieces. But I'll keep Adr'i's advice in mind: "The change in timbres is never too drastic; it's about volume, dynamics, terrace type dynamics even from the same keyboard."

Score available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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