Description: | Alec Rowley was born in London on 13 March 1892, teacher, composer, organist, pianist, lecturer and writer, who studied at the RAM with Frederick Corder and where he won sundry scholarships and prizes. He was an organist at several London churches including, during the Second World War, St Margaret's, Westminster. He died on 11 January 1958 while playing tennis.
Contemplation was published by H. W. Gray in 1947 as No. 887 in the "St. Cecilia Series." It also appears in "The Modern Anthology," compiled by David McK. Williams (1887-1978), who is most well-known for having been organist at St. Bartholomew's Church in New York City.
The piece is dedicated, "To David McK. Williams."
"Contemplation" is typical of the "Rowley arch" format. It's late in what I call his "middle period." It's highly chromatic, but in a sweet and "romantic" style, with a few "modern touches" in harmony that add to the color.
The arches aren't as "big" as some of Rowley's other pieces, but you will still find yourself very active, managing your registrations, and, pushing a fair number of buttons!
The score is attached below, as well as a photo of Alec Rowley, two photos of David McK. Williams, and one of St. Bartholomew's Church in New York City.
More ROWLEY RIOT to come! :-) |