Wenn meine Sünd mich kranken Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei Composer: Oley, Johann Christoph Organ: 1738 Christian Müller - Haarlem (Wet) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 187
Solemn Reflections (2022) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Stevens, James Michael Organ: Müller Grote of Sint Bavo extended Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 59
Herzlich thut mich verlangen Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei Composer: Kirnberger, Johann Philipp Organ: Müller Grote of Sint Bavo extended Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 99
Psalm 6 Uploaded by: ajongbloed Composer: Sanderman, Dick Organ: Müller Grote of Sint Bavo extended Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 123
The Neumeister Collection is a compilation of 82 chorale preludes found in a manuscript copy produced by Johann Gottfried Neumeister (1757–1840). When the manuscript was rediscovered at the Yale University in the 1980s it appeared to contain 31 previously unknown early chorale settings by Johann Sebastian Bach, which were added to the BWV catalogue as Nos. 1090–1120 and published in 1985.