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Primeiro tiento do primeiro tono

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Uploaded by: EdoL (06/29/17)
Composer: Coelho, Manuel Rodrigues
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1684 García-Martínez, Frechilla, Spain
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Medieval and Renaissance
Manuel Rodrigues Coelho (ca. 1555– 1635) was a Portuguese organist and composer. He is the first important Iberian keyboard composer since Cabezón.

Coelho was born in Elvas around 1555 and probably received early education at the Elvas Cathedral. He may also have studied at the Badajoz Cathedral, where he worked as organist from 1573 to 1577. At some point during the 1580s Coelho returned to Elvas and worked at the cathedral there. He left the post in 1602 after becoming court organist at Lisbon. He died in 1635, probably in Lisbon.

Coelho's most important compositions are his tientos, which are very long (200–300 bars on average), multi-sectional pieces.
Imitative counterpoint has a secondary role in them, whereas motivic figures and figuration, hallmarks of the Baroque style, are in the foreground.

The harmonic language is simple and clear in sharp contrast to the contemporary Italian composers (i.e., Ascanio Mayone, Giovanni Maria Trabaci and Girolamo Frescobaldi); the contrapuntal techniques are reminiscent of Sweelinck.

There are only two more uploads of Coelho's music on the concert hall.
It is not the most accessable sort of stuff and long, as the description states, but studying it I learned to appreciate it more and more.

Moreover it sounds wonderful on Frechilla's fine Flautados......
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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