Praeludium (2014) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Ashdown, Franklin D. Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 39
Praeludium & Fuge e-moll Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: 1686/1860 Bosch-F.C. Schnitger, Vollenhove, Netherlands Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 790
Christmas Praeludium Uploaded by: alberto63 Composer: Franjo Dugan Organ: Mascioni, Azzio (2016) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 47
Praeludium-in-C Uploaded by: jepisi Composer: NOVOTNY Ferenc Miklos (1742-1773) Organ: AVO - Lutheran Fehervar Organ Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 24
There are two versions :
- with St-Bavo : prelude at 0' - fugue at 5'25
- with Zoeblitz : prelude at 11'50 - fugue at 16'50.
The Zoeblitz version is quicker by 20s for the prelude and by also 20s for the fugue.
There may be some parasite noises because the file size is very close to CCH accepted limit.
The idea was to use two different organs : St-Bavo, big powerful organ, more suited to the majestic side of the piece - and Zoeblitz (small, no manual 16', no manual reeds, but so crystalline) more suited to the light side of the piece.
Because of the playing, the result is IMHO the opposite and the most acceptable pair could be Zoeblitz prelude with St-Bavo fugue. St Bavo prelude is ponderous and Zoeblitz fugue is metronomic (and with one patch).