Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Landahl, Carl W. Organ: 1766 Riepp Heilig-Geist Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 97
Johann Pachelbel was born in 1653 Nuremberg and died at the age of 52, in early March 1706.
'Chorale Preludes constitute almost half of Pachelbel's surviving organ works, in part because of his Erfurt job duties which required him to compose chorale preludes on a regular basis.
A distinctive feature of almost all of Pachelbel's chorale preludes is his treatment of the melody: the cantus firmus features virtually no figuration or ornamentation of any kind, always presented in the plainest possible way in one of the outer voices.
Much of Pachelbel's liturgical organ music, particularly the chorale preludes, is relatively simple and written for manuals only: no pedal is required. This is so that the music could be played on domestic intruments if needed and perhaps because of the limited pedal departments in South German instrumenst of the time' from Wiki.