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Prelude on "Nettleton"

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (01/12/17)
Composer: Groom, Lester H.
Sample Producer: Lavender Audio
Sample Set: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
Lester H. Groom (1929–2000) was born in Chicago and received his early keyboard training from both his mother and father. His father later became his major professor in organ and composition at Wheaton College (Illinois), where he received a Bachelor of Music degree in 1951. He earned the Master of Music degree in organ performance from Northwestern University in 1952. Groom held teaching positions at Moody Bible Institute (Chicago), Blue Mountain College (Mississippi), and Baker University (Kansas). He joined the faculty of Seattle Pacific University in 1969, where he taught organ, harpsichord, music theory, and composition. He retired from SPU in 1991 and was named Professor Emeritus the following year. Throughout his career, he held positions as church organist and choir director. He served as organist of First Presbyterian Church, Seattle from 1979 until his retirement in 1996.

His published works include organ and choral compositions, articles, and music reviews. He was a specialist in the art of organ improvisation and was a frequent lecturer at church music workshops and for thirteen summers he served on the faculty of the Evergreen Conference School of Church Music (Colorado).

"Prelude on 'Nettleton'" is an effective miniature, that is attractive to the ear, but also presents some technical difficulties.

It uses the famous tune "Repository of Sacred Music" (1813), and is a rather lighthearted take on the melody. Marked to be played "Allegretto," the tune remains mostly in the left hand (although it does pass to the right briefly), and is accompanied by an almost continuous flow of legato 4ths (meaning two notes at once) in the right hand. It's easy to lose your way if you miss a finger... ;-)

This pieces is contained in a book of Groom's organ pieces, very soon to be published by Lorenz.

Over the next few days I will be uploading the remaining pieces from the collection.

A photo of Lester Groom is attached below.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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