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Berceuse de Noël

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Uploaded by: Bartfloete (12/28/16)
Composer: Reuchsel, Amédée
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Dingelstädt, Anton Feith 1933
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
From "Dix piéces nouvelles", op. 180. The score is on imslp.

Amédée Reuchsel was born 1875 in Lyon and died 1931 in Monterau, France. His father Johann Reuschel was born in Germany and had moved to France and changed his surname into Reuchsel.

The score is subtitled:

Bercé par les concerts mélodieux des anges,
Le doux enfant Jésus, en souriant, dormait."

My poor school French translates that into:

"Rocked by the melodious music of the angels,
The cute baby Jesus was sleeping, a smile on his face."
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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