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"Marche du Veilleur de Nuit" (from 'Bach's Memento')

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Uploaded by: ESchoen (12/14/16)
Composer: Charles Marie Widor (1844-1937)
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: St. Omer, Cavaillé-Coll 1855
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
"Bach's Memento" is an interesting collection of 6 pieces founded on themes by Johann Sebastian Bach.
This is the No. 4.
The 6 pieces are more than only transcriptions, because Widor (quotation*: "orchestrates" Bach's originals. In some instances he reshapes the original concept into a work of art of his own by creating an extended paraphrase of the original. ") (*from the foreword of the Edition).

I used some of the "Hauptwerk-master-couplers" to couple Rec./Ped. without G.O. and I added the coupler Rec./Pos..

The score:
Butz-Verlag No. 2160
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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