This is what happens when I cannot sleep.
I invited "St. Anne's (Moseley)" out to play in a bigger church (North Church) and I think she liked it......A Lot.
This is a modified St. Annes Moseley. All stops for the Swell were increased volume by 3.0db and convolution reverb added with Reaper's ReaVerb using North Church impulse files (5.6 second). Reverb was balanced to Wet -24.1db/Dry -8.9. The track was then boosted post recording to normalize at around -9.0db.
Couplers - Swell to Great
Open Diapason 8'
Principal 4'
Clarion 4'
Mixture IV
Fifteenth 2'
Couplers - Swell Octave
Rohr Flute 8'
Geigen Principal 8'
Viola Di Gamba 8'
Oboe 8'
Trumpet 8'
Salicet 4'