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Hymn 8-2-97a (1997)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (11/08/16)
Composer: Asplund, Christian
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Brasov, Buchholz 1835-1839
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Christian Asplund (b. 1964) — Hymn 8-2-97a (1997) for organ

Canadian-American composer and performer Christian Asplund (b. 1964) is currently based in Utah, where he is a member the faculty of Brigham Young University's School of Music. He studied at BYU and Mills College, and his teachers have included Stuart Dempster, John Rahn, Joel-François Durand, Alvin Curran, Chris Brown, Thea Musgrave, and Meyer Kupferman. Of his music, Stuart Dempster has said, "Asplund, in his well-crafted compositions, delightfully teases us on those slippery slopes between composition and improvisation," while a jazz reviewer has said Asplund's music "walks a squiggly line that passes through jazz…, free improv, rock, funk and a whole spectrum of 'modern classical' styles, including minimalism, serialism, and a handful of other 'isms'…"
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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