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Scherzo and Toccata from "Dix pièces"

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Uploaded by: PLRT (09/30/16)
Composer: Gigout, Eugène
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Romantic
Scherzo at 0'00
Toccata at 5'00

Some weeks ago, OrganMonster (Derrick) told that he would be interested to hear Gigout's scherzo at Salisbury. So here it is ; IMHO, it sounds still better than on a french organ (foundations are more velvety, reeds are rounder and the inner motives can be better heard). Nevertheless, the very slow Salisbury's swell-box was a problem and compelled to play the central part on three keyboards instead of the two + swellbox indicated on the score.
While I was at it, I added too the toccata (at 5'). It's far from perfect with an extra half bar added at 6'12 and a "splendid" unjustified acceleration at 7'36. But there are already so many uploads of this piece on CCH....
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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