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Quinto tiento de medio registro de tiple de septimo tono

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Uploaded by: wolfram_syre (04/23/16)
Composer: Araujo, Francisco Correa de
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1684 García-Martínez, Frechilla, Spain
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
My serie with Baroque and Roccoco organ music from Spain and Potugal is a selection of top quality compositions from this style.
The idea for doing so came from a collegue. He asked me to teach him Spanish organ music.
It is a special thing to play organ music from the Hiberian peninsula, but it is not a mysterium. It is important to study the music and the organs very exactly. One will find all neccessary informations there.
The highlights are for me the pieces of Pablo Bruna, Sebastian Aguliera de Heredia, and Joseph Jimenez.

This repertory is perhaps not ereybody's cup of tea but it has its own charme.
The pleasure of listening to the Baroque organ music from the Hiberian peninsula is a very intellectual one:
- the work with the themes - it means the artificial technique of composition
- the deep melancholia of the harmonies
- the change of the very different rhythmic patterns
- the fine color of the solo stops
The style of the Roccoco pieces is not very complicated, because the composer of this period follow more and more international influences. But one will find there some interesting elements from the Spanish guitar- and dance-music.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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