Blessed Are They (2014) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Williamson, Richard A. Organ: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 65
Blessed Are the Poor in Sprit Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk Composer: Rowland-Raybold, Roberta Organ: Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 216
O Trinity, most blessed light Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Older melody adapted by B. Cooke Organ: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 141
I could find no information about Carl W. Landahl (1908-1961), but I think he taught at Augsburg College in Minnesota. That would make sense, as these two Chorale Preludes were published by Augsburg Publishing House in 1963.
Both of the chorales, "O darkest woe" and "Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word" are really like "hymn elaborations," rather than true chorale preludes.
I've played them both in a manner that respects their dignity and simple beauty.