52 Leicht ausfuhrbare Choralvorspiele opus 67 in 1902, but mostly stemming from works written between 1890 and 1901.
Dreizehn Choral Preludes opus 79b in 1904 and
Dreissig kleine Choralpreludien opus 130a in 1915, one year before his death.
There are eight chorale preludes more without opus numbers.
The organ chorales can be grouped under 5 headings:
harmonized chorales, figurized chorales, chorale canons, chorale phantasias and hybrid forms.
Figural settings of the chorales are most commonplace: almost al of opus 79b falls under this category.
The thirteen chorales of 79b are comparable in general style to those of opus 67, but none require virtuoso ability. Most of the movements are small dimensions.
Most of Reger's later publications are considered to be among his best work.
Opus 79b is no exception. They are VERY beautiful.
# 01 Auferstehen, ja Auferstehen
# 02 Christ ist erstanden von dem Tod