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Dieci Versetti (Ten Verses for Organ, 1938-1987)

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Uploaded by: sanden (09/08/15)
Composer: Tonelli, Giulio
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern/Romantic
Dieci Versetti per Organo (Ten Verses for Organ) (1938-1987) from Composizioni Organistiche by Giulio Tonelli (Passirano 1908 - Brescia 1987)
Edition Paideia - Brescia - Italy

1. in Do minore (Andante)
2. in Do maggiore (Scorrevole non troppo)
3. in Re minore (Quasi largo)
4. in Sib maggiore (Andante)
5. in Sol maggiore (Quasi allegretto)
6. in Sol maggiore (Scorrevole non troppo svelto)
7. in Re maggiore (Gioioso e sciolto)
8. in La minore (Spigliato)
9. in Fa maggiore (Quasi andante)
10. in Fa maggiore (Con calma ed elasticità)

Giulio Tonelli - He studied for a few years with his older brother Gian Luigi and later with Franco Margola for counterpoint and fugue and Arnaldo Bambini for organ. He graduated in Organ, choral music and choral conducting at the Conservatory of Parma in 1938/40. During his life he holds for several years as Director of the Conservatory of Brescia.
The catalog of his works counts 266 compositions for organ, choir, strings and organ.

If you are interested to have the unprecedented volume of organ compositions of Maestro Tonelli,
contact me in send mail.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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