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Tiento de batalla (2015)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (07/08/15)
Composer: Ferrari, Carlotta
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Carlotta Ferrari (b. 1975) — Tiento de batalla (2015) for organ

"Three Tientos" (2015) is a set of organ pieces inspired by the early Iberian keyboard repertoire. Originating in Spain in the mid-15th century, the tiento was the Spanish equivalent of the fantasia (fantasy) as found in England, Germany, and the Netherlands, and the ricercare as found in Italy. By the end of 16th century, the tiento had become the predominant form of the Spanish organ tradition, where many practitioners continued to develop it, most notably Juan Bautista José Cabanilles, arguably the greatest composer of the Spanish baroque.

"Tiento de batalla" was written for Italian organist Marco Lo Muscio. A “batalla” or “battle piece” is another genre found in the early Iberian keyboard literature, featuring repeated chords, brash textures and rhythms, and a consistently fiery aesthetic (often featuring the reeds of the organ). This piece is constructed as a rondo: after an introduction, the “battaglia” (battle music) material is introduced, featuring echo effects. In the rondo manner, this is interrupted several times by toccata and ricercare episodes.

Carlotta Ferrari (b. 1975) is an Italian composer. Educated at the Conservatory in Milan, she has composed in many genres, developing a personal language that is concerned with the blend of past and present. Her compositions have been performed frequently around the world. Ferrari’s music appears on several CD recordings, including four all-Ferrari organ CDs: three recorded by Carson Cooman (2014/16) and another by Peter Clark (2015). She is currently the chair of music composition at Hebei Normal University in Shijiazhuang, China.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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