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"Via Crucis" ("Stations of the Cross"): Station VII - Jesus falls the second time

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Uploaded by: Marco_Lo_Muscio (03/18/15)
Composer: Marco Lo Muscio
Sample Producer: Lavender Audio
Sample Set: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Contemporary
Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross) was written in 2014 commissioned by the
Italian organist Alessandro Bianchi and dedicated to Kevin Bowyer. It is the
longest piece written by Lo Muscio. The Piece was premiered in Italy by
Alessandro Bianchi in the San Paolo Basilica in Cantù and in Europe by Andrew
Canning in the Uppsala Cathedral. The core idea of this Via Crucis has been to
create small paintings of two pages each using various styles, some fragments
of Gregorian themes (the same Gregorian themes used by Franz Liszt in his Via
Crucis) and themes related with some of the characters of the various stations
composed using the Anglo-Saxon notation: this means transferring music
notes in parallel with letters of the alphabet. Many thematic fragments return
also in "cyclic form". The Suite is full of contrasts with extremely dramatic
parts alternating with pieces full of serenity, mysticism and sweetness, all with
a large research of colours of the organ used in all its possible facets.

1 - Jesus is condemned to death
2 - Jesus carries his cross
3 - Jesus falls the first time
4 - Jesus meets his mother
5 - Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross
6 - Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
7- Jesus falls the second time
8 - Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
9 - Jesus falls the third time
10 - Jesus' clothes are taken away
11 - Crucifixion: Jesus is nailed to the cross
12 - Jesus dies on the cross
13 - Jesus is taken down from the cross
14 - Jesus is laid in the tomb.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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