The man with the harmonica Uploaded by: sesquialtera Composer: Morricone, Ennio Organ: Furtwängler & Hammer Imperial Cathedral Königslutter Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 185
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Telemann, Georg Philipp Organ: 2012 Metzler, Poblet Abbey, Spain Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 76
Psalm 149 (after BWV 35) Uploaded by: PCdeJong Composer: Peter C. de Jong Organ: Kampen, Bovenkerk Hinsz/F.C. Schnitger Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 95
A whiter shade of Bach Uploaded by: musicalis Composer: * My Own Transcription Organ: beta version of Basilica Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 488
Elisabethan Serenade Uploaded by: musicalis Composer: * My Own Transcription Organ: Beta version of Basilica Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 308
This is an arrangement of Procol Harum's famous song. I recorded it with the beta version of my new sample set "Basilica".
Basilica is an organ with more than 50 stops, fully compatible with the free edition of Hauptwerk-4. This beta version is a 4 manual organ. The notes have a short internal reverb effect. The hammond organ sound is .achieved by a combination of flute 4' flute 2' and larigot 1-1/3, played an octave lower than normal.