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Toccata F-Dur BWV 540

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Uploaded by: EdoL (02/03/14)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1761/2005 J. A. Silbermann-Metzler, Arlesheim, Switzerland
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Baroque
J.S. Bach Toccata F-Dur BWV 540
As Arlesheim has three manuals on which you can pull three Grand Jeux, I thought it a fun idea to play this famous Toccata on them. First organ point on RW, second on Recit, pedal solos without Bombarde and the main section on the HW with the full reeds section in HW and Pedal and the RW 8, 4, 2 coupled to HW for more clarity.
I know this is not authentic and that Bach never intended to have it played this way, so I apologize to all people of a purist disposition.
I attended endless discussions and seminars on how to do things which which fingers and what phrasing and absolutely WITHOUT HEELS!!
Ton Koopman in one of those sessions spoke the liberating word.
“From the sources you can prove anything,” he said and he is a leading authority in his field.
“Free at last,”I thought to myself.
I hope Bach won't mind.
If you hear an occasional strange sound in the pedal solo's that's not the sample-set.
My pedal needs some adjusting.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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