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Psalmprovisation 147

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Uploaded by: AMLaMort (01/07/14)
Composer: Anthony Mark LaMort
Sample Set: SP St. Maximin & Synthesizers, Percussion and Audio Samples
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Modern
Psalm 147 is the appointed Psalm for the second Sunday after Christmas (RCL).

Once again the piece is reflective of my own unique take on the Psalms - That the poetry presents a decidedly human take on the nature of divinity - in some cases a god drawn in the image of poet and his contemporaneous culture.

We see at the onset a decidedly hopeful, benevelent and almost universal 'take' on the nature of the Deity, however as the Psalm progresses, this image of G-d gives way to one that more and more nationalistically focused.

A recurrent motive of 6 repeated notes (played on the piano, in octaves) represents the human nature of the Psalm's perspective. (6=the human number)
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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